Planning the security fencing for your next transport project and not sure what’s the best security fencing for a project?

We’ve got your needs covered, whether you’re planning the roading for a small residential subdivision or you’re tasked with security for a major transport infrastructure upgrade to an International Airport or rail corridor.

Complex requirements govern most types of security fencing in the transport sector. For example, government agencies such as the Transport for NSW regulate fencing requirements for roads and highways throughout NSW, Department of Transport and main roads in QLD Queensland and Public Transport Victoria

However, in effect, Federal government, State government agency and local council requirements will often merge into a combined overarching set of regulations that outline security-fencing regulations for projects in the transport sectors.

In other words, transport regulations are complex. This article is a general guide only and you will need to seek advice and clarification from the appropriate authorities that govern your specific project.

Planning security fencing for your next Transport Project


Every year, unauthorized access to the railway corridors leads to significant loss of life, injury and wilful damage. Rail transport interchanges experience a high volume of pedestrian traffic, clear and transparent access locations ensure the safe and secure movement of rail users.

Railway yards and corridors are highly dangerous places and illegal access and serious incidents can cost millions in delayed services. Anti-climb and anti cutting specifications are high priorities for railway fencing.

Our Promax post and anti-climb 358 mesh system is a popular choice here. Our traditional Palisade fencing meets Railway fencing Engineering specifications including 80mm maximum gaps between pails and in heights up to 5.4 metres.

One of the challenges of security fencing for railway corridors and yards is that perimeter security fencing can span vast areas of remote terrain. This can make observation and intervention challenging so it’s important to make rail security fencing virtually indisputable against determined entry attempts.

We recommend security fencing for for rail corridors new such as Australia’s Inland Rail programme include Chainwire from the very smallest 25mm Diamond up to 60mm Diamond.

If ultimate security and high visibility are high priorities we recommend our PROMAX 3000mm wide spacing 358, the fastest installation anti climb fencing available.

Profence Palisade fencing meets Railway fencing Engineering specifications


Security fencing for major roads and highways covers a number of aspects including:

Bridge security fencing, especially where pedestrians have access via walkways typically need to focus on preventing climbing and potential self-harm attempts.

Promax 358 anticlimb mesh is ideal for this application. Cranked post toppings and additional wire toppings act to enhance security.

Our Promax 358 series mesh panels and T Post system continue to be a popular choice for large-scale highway fencing projects throughout the country including Pedestrian bridges motorways and and vehicle overpasses throughout the East coast.

As a general guide, for fauna protection you’ll need to use 50mm diamond chain-link, 2.5 mm wire on structural grade galvanized steel posts rising 1167mm above ground with an additional 400mm cranked top facing the fauna protection area.

Security fencing for major roads and highways

Protective manufacture and supply a wide range of galvanised posts to standard sizes or custom fabricated to suit project requirements.

Galvanised steel posts, chain wire mesh and wire are all essential components of other types of highway security fencing such as rock fall and erosion protection.

We offer chainlink and mesh fencing panels in various diameters and sizes as well as additional security toppings including tapered extension blades, razor wire, spikes, and barbed wire.

In rural settings, adequate roadside fencing is essential to prevent livestock wandering onto roads.

Every year, animals that wander into the path of traffic cause death or severe injury to drivers and livestock as well as significant damage to vehicles.

In most rural settings standard 4 or 5 wire stock fencing with a mix of barbed wire and standard wire strands affixed to timber or metal posts will be adequate for stock control.

Promax 358 security mesh and post system


The last two decades have seen an extraordinary tightening of security around airports.

Unauthorized entry risks include terrorist attacks, stowaway attempts, protest actions as well as self-harm, vandalism, and theft. And these challenges seem to be increasing in frequency.

Aviation security fencing needs to provide a rigorous defence against climbing, ramming, and cutting.

Not only is the risk of injury or death very real for an intruder but unauthorised incursions trigger costly delays and interruptions to flight schedules and airport operations.

Because airport fencing typically covers a large area, adequate observation capability is critical too. The Promax 358 security mesh and post system is ideal for all aviation security needs as the mesh provides high visibility.

Promax system is a rapid install high security fence solution

Promax 358 mesh is almost impossible to climb and extremely difficult to cut yet retains sufficient visibility for perimeter observation.

Our Anti-climb mesh has been installed by many of our customers on airport projects right around Australia.

The posts are incredibly strong and feature an anti-ram / toppling design. Fence heights up to 5.4 metres can be extended with cranked toppings and razor wire, barbed wire and Bulldog spikes. We can supply matching gates too.

Intruder-proof fence is critical even in the construction stages of airports such as the new Western Sydney Airport.

It’s important to provide protection on these large-scale projects for workers, contractor’s equipment, works in progress and to safeguard against injury.

The Promax system is a rapid install high security fence solution that will save on installation costs while delivering superior security.

Protective Fencing: we’re here to keep people, animals, vehicles, and goods safe whenever they’re on the move. Talk to us about security fencing for your next transport project.

