Palisade fencing provides one of the best all-round security fencing solutions in Australia but you need to get the right security fence height for your needs.
Palisade fencing provides one of the best all-round security fencing solutions in Australia but you need to get the right security fence height for your needs.
Ideally all buildings should be designed with people in mind; safety, functionality, and user friendliness should be key guiding principles.
Inadequate perimeter fencing may actually encourage crime. Research indicates that criminals may view a poorly designed security fence as a sign that the property’s overall security is inadequate.
Too often steel fence posts corrode at the base as a result of incorrect installation leading to expensive premature failure and repairs. Follow this guide and get it right the first time.
Most people don’t link road safety issues and good car park design together. But the reality is car park safety barriers play a vital role in protecting vehicles and more importantly their human cargo from harm.
Anti-climb fences are designed, as the name suggests, to prevent anyone climbing your fences and gaining access to potentially dangerous areas. The mesh apertures must be small enough to prevent people climbing over the fence.
Health and safety lapses can cost your business not only with staff downtime but also the risk of punitive costs and fines and increased insurance costs. And that doesn’t even include the cost of damage to equipment or property.
Protective’s specialised kangaroo exclusion fence system includes all the elements needed for long-lasting kangaroo proof fence that will last the distance, satisfy your budget, and protect both you and the ‘roos.
Protective supplied 450 sheets of 358 mesh for this 2.25 billion dollar project. Protective’s ability to manufacture the required panels with a very short lead-in time and fast turnaround was a key factor to our success in being awarded this contract.
Australia is privileged to have some very special and unique wildlife and they help to make Australia they very special place that we love. But roads and animals don’t always go well together.